About Me

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Creativity would best define me whether it be in the form of food, hair, writing, or self development. Although each of these is quite different they are all interconnected. I use them all as a way of escape, self awareness, and empowerment. I feel as though if I can make a difference in at least one person’s life I’m happy. These three things afford me the opportunity to make a difference.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

God's Greatest Gifts

When I think of His goodness and all that He's done for me, my soul cries out hallelujah, I thank God for saving me.  On December 11, 2013 my life forever change as I looked upon my twin grandsons Jayden and Justice.  After becoming a widow at the tender age of 36, I sort of thought all hope was gone and that I could not love another being again.  Boy was I proven wrong! I was happy when I gave birth to my daughter and my son, but becoming a grandmother truly excels any blessing or accomplishment that I've ever received.  Their big black eyes, thick curly hair, and even smooth chocolate skin is everything I could have imagined. When I first learned of their conception I immediately thanked God for double for my trouble, my double portion.  They will call me "Bibi", which means grandmother in Swahili.  I adopted this name from a dear mother whom I admire.  Although, my life is more than enough to give me hope, these little boys give me hope beyond measure.  I also have a non biological grandson Tyzheim, he is also the love of my life.  There is nothing in the world that I wouldn't give to this little boy.  My goal is to be a better grandmother than I was as a mother.  As much as I love my grandchildren, I think it's very important to always be the grandmother not the mother.  Grandchildren are for enjoyment there will be no problems with me staying in my lane. It's sad when I see grandparents having to take care of their grandchildren full-time.  However, I admire those that take on the challenge during difficult situations.  As an adult I often think of the wonderful inspiration that my grandmother was to me.  It was through her that I developed my love for The Lord and the church.  It's was through her that I learned that woman were strong and courageous.  I can vividly remember sharing her coffee on some mornings.  Hers was hot in a mug and mine well she would pour a little in a Dixie cup.  Priceless memories, I hope to someday be able to make new memories with my grand children.  How impressionable was your grandparent in your life.

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