About Me

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Creativity would best define me whether it be in the form of food, hair, writing, or self development. Although each of these is quite different they are all interconnected. I use them all as a way of escape, self awareness, and empowerment. I feel as though if I can make a difference in at least one person’s life I’m happy. These three things afford me the opportunity to make a difference.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I Have A Voice

Why is that no one wants to listen to me?
I know that I'm about a half pint in size and young in age, but I have a voice and I need to be heard.
When I say that someone is verbally mistreating me don't blow it off as cynical, I have a voice that needs to be heard.
If I act out and refuse to do my work, or respond the way you see fit  it's not because I don't care, maybe I just can't put my expressions into words, but I have a voice and I need to be heard.
Just because I'm a child doesn't mean that I don't have feelings please listen to me, often,  my actions speak louder than my words. Perhaps you don't think you owe me respect, but I think like you I deserve respect. I have a voice and I need to be heard.
Often adults label children, but children also label adults we know the ones that talk down to us when no one is looking, or is really in it for the money, and/or could careless about me and my issues. Perhaps you think I should be able to just get over it.  Are you sure that you as an adult can handle "it", or do you really care.   I have a voice and I need to be heard.
As children we know the ones who really have our best interest and we pour our hearts out to them, but they are far and few between.  They lend an ear of compassion, words of encouragement, a friendly smile, even a joke or two.  Most of all they know that I do have a voice and I need to be heard, before it's too late.
Verbal abuse leaves scares that can never be erased. Even physical wounds have time to heal. (written by TTJ 10/26/10 1:30 a.m. inspired by a child)

Just another voice that need to be heard if I don't stop abuse then I become a part of the abuse.  "If you don't know the purpose of a person / thing abuse is inevitable."  Change begins with me but it is a learned behavior, which takes time.  Please share your thoughts


  1. What a wonderful post, Trina! Your passion and caring for our students really comes through when you write.

    I so look forward to future posts!

  2. Thank you it is my prayer that the children feels my passion when I interect with them. Thank you.
