About Me

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Creativity would best define me whether it be in the form of food, hair, writing, or self development. Although each of these is quite different they are all interconnected. I use them all as a way of escape, self awareness, and empowerment. I feel as though if I can make a difference in at least one person’s life I’m happy. These three things afford me the opportunity to make a difference.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Being Candid During this Journey

I am slowly transforming into a healthier more lean lifestyle.  During this Journey I will be a little more transparent during my process.  I still have many struggles such as portion sizes and after 8:00 p.m. Eating.  I'm not giving up and by sharing this on my blog it will give a sense of accountability.  I do realize that you only get out what you put in.  My process is all natural no surgery or weight loss supplements.  I don't judge anyone who has taken these steps it just wasn't an option for me. My struggle is real and my journey is long.  However, I well preserver because I am fear fully and wonderfully made.  One of these days I'll show the numbers on the scale but I'm really uncomfortable with the scale it isn't my friend.  I rely more on inches and the way I look and feel. 6/7/15

Paleo Waffle

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